Articles Categorized: Middle School

Stellar performances from Waynflete musicians

Last week at Waynflete was a musical one! We had two lovely recitals on Wednesday that featured students in grades 2–11 who take private lessons with our outstanding Enrichment Music teachers. On Thursday, 70 musicians from five different ensembles (Acoustic...

Thematic studies drives new Middle School curriculum planning

Despite all its harm, the COVID-19 pandemic drove many school administrators and teachers to explore new opportunities for pedagogical innovation. At Waynflete, Middle School Director Divya Muralidhara sought out fresh ideas to make the school’s grades 6–8 program more interdisciplinary,...

Chinese language students celebrate the Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year—or Spring Festival—is China’s most important holiday. This year, the Year of the Rabbit, the celebration began on Sunday, January 22. Our students spent a week studying the traditions of this holiday in our Middle School Chinese classes. ...

Seventh-graders collect data on intertidal crabs

Seventh-grade students recently visited the East End Beach to collect data on intertidal crabs. Their findings will be added to a collection of data from other citizen scientists and used to better understand crab population trends along the Maine coast.

Sixth-grade archaeology trip to Broad Cove Reserve

Sixth-grade students recently visited with archaeologist Thomas Bennett at the Prince Memorial Library and Broad Cove Reserve in Cumberland to learn about shell middens. Students contributed to the archaeological record by conducting a count of the clam shell "hinges" found...

Broad Cove archaeology field trip

As part of their study of archaeology in history class, sixth-graders recently visited with archaeologist Thomas Bennett at the Prince Memorial Library and Broad Cove Reserve in Cumberland to learn about shell middens. At the library, students helped contribute to...

Climate justice activist Anna Siegel ’24 featured on News Center Maine

Junior Anna Siegel recently received a Brookie Award from the Natural Resources Council of Maine, which honor the state's young environmental leaders. Learn more about her journey to becoming a climate justice activist in this recent News Center Maine profile:...

Outdoor Experience 2022

You never know what Outdoor Experience will bring! While working at Community Servings in Boston, our students met Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, who had come in to package and deliver the organization's 11 millionth meal. Ayanna shared some words of encouragement...

Students need more

If you have concerns about your child finding joy after several years of the COVID-19 pandemic, you aren’t alone. At Waynflete, we want every child to love school and are committed to meeting every child where they are. We are...

Sixth-graders host mini museum

On Monday—the last full day of full classes—sixth-graders hosted a "mini" museum to share projects from their Latin and history classes with the school community. From their Latin classes, the students shared their "Bloom Balls," 12-sided 3-D projects reflecting different...

Middle schoolers finish up Rainbow Week with a fundraiser

Thanks to our 8th graders in the SAGE group for organizing a great Rainbow Week with a little help from seventh graders! Rainbow Week was a celebration of Pride and aimed to help raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. The week...

Waynflete announces 2022 Drake Award and Klingenstein Alumni Award recipients

Waynflete is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Drake Award and the 2022 Klingenstein Alumni Award. We will celebrate these exceptional members of our community during Reunion Weekend on May 13, 2022. Bonnie Docherty ’90 2022 Klingenstein Alumni...

New artificial turf field installed at Fore River Fields!

The brand-new artificial turf surface is now complete on Hall Field at the Fore River Campus! The updated field will be a significant benefit for our lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, and ultimate frisbee programs. No more canceling or postponing games...

Waynflete Middle Schoolers place first in event at regional “Sea Perch” competition

Waynflete Middle and Upper School robotics teams competed Friday at the regional Sea Perch competition in Durham, New Hampshire. The event is jointly hosted by the University of New Hampshire and the US Navy. Our Middle School team competed in...

Waynflete Writers’ Guild publishes all-school edition of Flyer Wire

The latest issue of Flyer Wire is now available, for the first time featuring student artwork and writing from all three divisions! View the latest edition

Eighth graders participate in Science Fair

Students participated in the Eighth Grade Science Fair. Students have been engaged in their projects since November. They presented their findings for faculty judges and participated in peer reviews.  Students pursued projects in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Coding, Engineering,...

Black Heroes Project: Memory Quilt

By Carrie Chamberlain, Middle School assistant The Middle School recognized and celebrated Black History Month by reintroducing the Black Heroes Project through the lens of a “memory quilt.” Students and advisors participated in the activity, which spanned over a two-part...

Students in Theater 8 perform Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb”

Students in Theater 8 performed Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb" at last week's Middle School Assembly. This poem was performed for the first time at President Biden's Inauguration in January 2021. The eighth grade has been studying persuasive speaking, and this choral reading was...

4 Reasons Why School Choice Should Rest With Parents

We all want our children to feel happy and safe in their school environment. But it’s the rare case where a child can make a well-informed, objective decision about switching schools. With kids’ brains undergoing rapid change, it’s simply not...

Indoor archaeological dig

By Lindsay Clarke In sixth-grade history, students recently used artifacts rather than documents as their primary sources for studying the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean region. To build a foundation for this study, their fall archaeology unit allowed them to...

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